Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Boarder Prep Time Tutoring

”Boarder prep is my favourite time of day”

– No Student Ever

Boarder Prep Tutors - Making the most of boarder prep time

Boarder Prep – it’s those two excruciating hours spent largely in silence, doing whatever you can to keep the supervising teacher happy. It doesn’t matter how much homework you have left to complete, it’s mandatory. Boarder prep is by far the least loved aspect of boarding school and one that can leave you feeling like you’re wasting precious time. If it’s done wrong.

What makes good boarder prep time?

Two words: Study strategy.

Wow, just when boring couldn’t sound any more boring right?
Hear us out.

A well-devised study strategy actually helps you to study less. It helps you identify how to study smarter and get better grades without putting in extra hours. Instead of watching the clock for the last hour of boarder prep, you’ll find yourself getting ahead of all your work, freeing up more time outside of mandatory study hours.

Boarder prep big picture

From the school’s perspective, Prep is where you can get that one-on-one help you need to complete assignments and study for upcoming assessments. It is, in theory an essential part of your education, one that your parents would oversee at home.

In practice, many boarders complete the day’s homework and then focus on doing whatever they can get away with while supervisors are helping other kids. If you’ve never sent under the desk text messages or watched YouTube with your hair over your earbuds, are you even a boarder?

The downside of this system is that when exams roll around, your precious free time ends up taken up with mad cramming. All that time spent, and at the end, you might just have a C to show for it. No wonder you can’t stand prep!

How boarder prep is changing

If you’ve been sent this link, there’s a pretty good chance your school is about to introduce A Team Tuition’s Boarding School Tutoring. They’ve engaged us to provide one on one and group tutoring to you and your peers during boarder prep time.

Here’s what’s going to change:

  • Your tutors will have a big chat with you in the first few weeks. We’ll also be chatting to your teachers, your parents and your principal.
  • We’re going to be talking to you not just about where you’re struggling in class but also about life in general. Why? Because we want to know when you’re stressed about an upcoming event or if you’ve plans to return home for a family event or even if some boy or girl is messing with your head. We believe that your life outside of school is just as important as your life in school and we structure your study strategy around it.
  • We talk to you about what you love, and dislike at school, what makes you anxious, and what gives you a buzz. We get to know how your “mindset” is impacting your study habits. If you really, really hate maths, chances are you’re an A-grade procrastinator when it comes to maths homework. We get it.
  • Next we look at how you learn and if there’s a better way to learn than you’re currently using. Maybe you’d be better listening to podcasts instead of pouring over books? Perhaps that YouTube video is actually of more value because you’re all about visual learning!
  • Finally, we look at your upcoming assessments and anything that will cause timetable clashes. So, you’ve got a game on the weekend before that essay is due? We help you to plan your workload so that you can spend the week before the game focused on training.

Then we create a strategy that introduces more fun ways to learn. Prefer group activities? Let’s hook you up. Itching to hand in something creative? Let’s brainstorm it. Our boarder prep sessions are designed to be more fun. More productive. More useful. Doesn’t that sound more interesting already?

What do students say about this new way to do boarder prep?

With the right tutor and a proper study strategy, you have MORE time in your day. Boarder prep flies by because you’ve got a list and you’re working it hard. When you’ve got a question or need help, you’ve got more tutors there, on the floor to answer your questions – so you get through your work quicker and with a better understanding. And wouldn’t you know it, your grades improve. Maybe, mum is so excited she puts an extra fifty in your account (maybe, but you know #notallmums).

All is well. Well, it is what you make it. Our approach is about helping you to embrace study and study smart. But it’s not on us. It’s on you. To make this work, you need an open mind and commitment to ‘working the program’. Are you ready for the new ‘boarder prep’?  Talk to your school or your parents about A Team’s Boarder Prep Tutoring or check out our blog for more info on what to expect!

The post Boarder Prep Time Tutoring appeared first on A Team Tuition.

from A Team Tuition

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